A sponsor licence (formerly known as Tier 2 sponsor licence) allows UK-based companies to employ skilled workers who are based overseas or within the UK (applicants can “switch” into the Skilled Worker visa from most other visa types, for example Tier 4 Student and Tier 2 visas).
A sponsor licence (formerly known as Tier 2 sponsor licence) allows UK-based companies to employ skilled workers who are based overseas or within the UK (applicants can “switch” into the Skilled Worker visa from most other visa types, for example Tier 4 Student and Tier 2 visas).
To be eligible to apply for a sponsor licence, your organisation must have a UK presence and be operating or trading lawfully in the UK. If you have multiple UK branches you may apply for one licence to cover all your linked UK entities – alternatively, you might apply for separate licences for each branch, depending on your circumstances.
To apply for a sponsor licence (formerly known as Tier 2 sponsor licence), a company is required to submit an application form online along with a minimum of four specified supporting documents as evidence of its trading presence in the UK, in addition to a covering letter to provide background information about the company.
Would you like to find out more or check if you are eligible? If yes, please use the APPLY NOW to check your eligibility.