We are committed to providing a high quality legal service to all our clients. If you feel that the service you have been given for any UK Immigration or Visa application is not up to your expectations or below standards and you wish to make a formal complaint. Please follow the following guidelines in making any complaints, to ensure that we can respond back promptly.


  1. Case ID number
  2. Your full name
  3. Your full contact details
  4. Please provide with full details of complaint include any dates

Please email all the above details to or by post to Mr. Taimur Jawed, 7 Skylines Village, London E14 9TS


Mr. Jawed or someone from his team will write to you to acknowledge that we has received your complaint within 7 days. Mr. Jawed will then investigate your complaint and review the file.

Mr. Jawed or his team will aim to respond to you with the decision of the investigation within 14 days, unless further investigation is required. In this situation we will give you a timeline for a response.

Once you have received a final response from our team and you confirm that you are satisfied with the proposed remedy, Mr. Jawed will confirm this in writing, setting out what has been agreed, within five working days of the date of your reply.

It is very important to us that you are satisfied with the work carried out behalf of our clients.

If you feel that your complaint has not been dealt to your satisfaction or you want to make a direct complaint without consulting us, then please contact OISC directly. They are able to provide support in lodging a complaint.

OISC can be contacted at:

Tel: 020 7211 1500

Email address:


Postal address:

The Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner

21 Bloomsbury Street, London WC1B 3HF

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