
St Lucia is one of the newest countries in the Caribbean to offer a citizenship-by-investment program, making it one of the best destinations for foreign investors who want a CBI programme. Only 500 applicants are approved per year, which has helped to retain the value and credibility of St Lucia's passport around the world.



St. Lucia is an island in the Lesser Antilles region of the Eastern Caribbean. It is one of the Windward Islands and more mountainous than most Caribbean Islands, with the highest point being Mount Gimie, at 950 meters above sea level.

An educated workforce and improvements in roads, communications, water supply, sewerage, and port facilities have attracted foreign investment in tourism and in petroleum storage and transshipment. St. Lucia has been able to attract foreign business and investment, especially in its offshore banking and tourism industries, which is Saint Lucia's main source of revenue.

Visa-free travel to 145 countries
Application approval within 3 to 4 months
No physical residency requirement
Required contribution from US$100,000

Saint Lucia

Benefits of Citizenship

  • Fastest Caribbean application process
  • Visa-free travel to 154 countries
  • UK, Russia, Singapore, Hong Kong & more
  • Minimal processing fees
  • No physical residency requirement
  • No personal income tax
  • No business experience required
  • No minimum language requirement
  • No mandatory interviews
  • Tax relief benefits & export allowance

Donation to the National Economic

Starting from
  • USD $240,000 For a Single Applicant
  • USD $240,000 For a Family Of 4 Applicant

Real Estate

Minimum investment of USD $300,000 in an approved government real estate project


The main applicant and any dependents must have a clean personal background with no criminal record and not be under any criminal investigation (other than in respect of a minor offence).

A person that is deemed a potential security risk or who is or has been involved in any activity that is likely to bring disrepute to St Lucia shall not be approved for citizenship.

Would you like to find out more or check if you are eligible? If yes, please use the APPLY NOW to check your eligibility.



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