Global Migrate is a trading name for Visa Embassy Ltd, Company registered in the UK.
Global Migrate is a trading name for GMD Migration Services in the UAE. Registration number is 07245281. These Terms and Conditions apply whenever you access the website, regardless of how or where you access the website from.

The customer using the website who are Minor /under the age of 18 shall not register as a User of the website and shall not transact on or use the website.

The cardholder must retain a copy of transaction records and Merchant policies and rules.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction:

Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this website shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the UK.

Method of Payment, Card Types accepted and Currency

We accept payments online using Visa and MasterCard credit/debit card in GBP.


The process of delivery of the services is as follows:–

Once you accept our terms of business you may make a payment to Global Migrate via a range of payment options which include 1; Bank transfer 2; online payment using our secure payment method. Once your case is accepted by our Case Managers they shall be delighted to confirm all the details on your case with you and ensure that the initial review of your case history and immigration needs have been conducted correctly. We will then immediately and not within less than 48 hours deliver to you and provide you with the following which will be delivered to you either face to face or on a video/telephone call and thereafter supported in an email sent directly thereafter with full supporting documents.


  1. We shall review your bio-information against the qualifying criteria of the visa.
  2. We shall advise you and agree with you what documents you are required to submit to us for submission of your application.
  3. We shall then review your documents as we receive them to ensure that they are accurate and meet the government criteria.
  4. We shall complete your application forms and shall submit your case to the government authority or shall provide you with the completed application form for you to submit, whichever is required by the government.
  5. We shall provide you with advice, support and assistance throughout the process.
  6. We provide a consultancy service with regards to immigration visas. The first 3 services will be completed within 48 hours. The remaining services are on-going and will be completed subject you providing us with all the supporting documents.
  7. The delivery of the service is by live face to face consultation or via video/telephone call and by a detailed email with supporting documents and pack sent with 48 hours of your deposit payment.
  8. Once we initiate the 6th clause in the list above, assist in submission of your application, any fee paid to us for our service becomes non refundable. We only ever offer a partial refund if a clients application is rejected due to a mistake our team makes during the submission of the application. We don’t guarantee a visa.
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